Prof. Dr Bahar Şener-Pedgley

Prof. Dr Bahar Şener-Pedgley
Vice Chairperson
Phone: +90 312 210 2239
Room: 55
Bahar Şener-Pedgley is Professor of Industrial Design at Middle East Technical University (METU). She supervises and carries out research in the general area of product experiences and interaction, with a special focus on design for sports, health and wellbeing. She applies user-centred approaches including positive psychology and motivation theories into the field of design research. Her work has received funding from national research councils and is internationally published. Recently she completed supervision of an EPSRC (UK) study with Bentley Motors and the Virtual Engineering Centre, University of Liverpool, to simulate automotive infotainment solutions using Virtual Reality (VR). Her early career research focused on designers' toolkits and the digitalization of industrial design processes, including co-design activities with Procter & Gamble (UK, Belgium). Bahar is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and contributes to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate level design education at METU. She has supervised hundreds of industry-collaborated design and innovation projects across diverse product sectors. Between 2014-2017, Bahar was a founding academic member for the BEng Industrial Design program offered jointly between the University of Liverpool (UK) and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China). She was also a founding member of 'The International Joint MSc Programme of Design Research for Interaction' offered jointly between METU and Delft University of Technology. Bahar holds three degrees: PhD (Loughborough University, Industrial Design), Master's (Hacettepe University, Graphic Design) and Bachelor's (METU, Industrial Design).
Research Areas
I am currently working on the following research areas.
● Design for Sports, Health, and Wellbeing
My ongoing research revolves around the convergence of design, technology, and human factors within the domain of sports, health, and wellbeing. This multidisciplinary field aims to devise innovative solutions that elevate individuals' physical activity levels, contribute to their overall health, and enhance their sense of wellbeing. Motivation theories, particularly Self-Determination Theory (SDT), are at the heart of this research. Through the integration of SDT principles into the design of devices, apps, and services, my aim is to develop solutions that not only promote health and wellbeing but also connect with and enhance individuals' intrinsic motivation for lasting positive behaviour change. This effort is committed to creating interventions in the field of health and wellbeing that are both impactful and user-centric.
● User Experience (UX) and User Interaction
My research in this area investigates principles and practices behind the design of products and services that are engaging, enjoyable, meaningful, and memorable for people. Multisensorial interaction is an important part of this research area, implying designing for touch and sound (sometimes also smell and taste) alongside visual appearance. I embrace a wide definition of UX that goes beyond usability and encompasses experiences from interacting with both physical products and digital information.
● Human-Centric Technology
My research centres on designing products and services that empower users without alienation. I elaborate on ways of integrating technologies into product ecosystems in a manner that is harmonious with users' capabilities and goals and that delivers positive user experiences. The intention is to bridge the gap between individuals and technology, ensuring inclusivity and addressing diverse needs through user-centred methodologies. Ultimately, I aim to contribute to a human-centric technological approach by fostering innovation that empowers users and cultivates impactful interactions between users and technology.
• PhD Industrial Design – Loughborough University, UK
"Enhancing the Form Creation Capabilities of Digital Industrial Design Tools"
• MA Graphic Design – Hacettepe University, TR
• BID Industrial Design – Middle East Technical University, TR
Educational Practice
'MSc in Advanced Transdisciplinary Design' (University of Liverpool, School of Engineering, UK) –
(2016 Founding member, jointly with Mr Dan Hibbert, Dr O.Pedgley)
'BEng & MEng in Industrial Design' (University of Liverpool, School of Engineering, UK) – (2014 Founding member, jointly with Mr Dan Hibbert, Dr O.Pedgley)
'Design for Interaction' Joint M.S. Programme with the Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) – (2008 Founding member, jointly with Dr N.Börekçi, Dr C.Ünlü)
- ŞENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2023). "Developing Student Competence in Product and UX/UI Design: The Case of a Five Phase Redesign Studio" (Ürün ve UX/UI Tasarımında Öğrenci Yetkinliğinin Geliştirilmesi: Beş Aşamalı Yeniden Tasarım Stüdyosu Örneği). Yedi: Sanat, Tasarım ve Bilim Dergisi, (30), 95-108. [DOI: 10.17484/yedi.1191391]
- ALSAMAREI, A.A. & ŞENER, B. (2023). "Remote social touch framework: a way to communicate physical interactions across long distances". Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 17, 79–104 (2023). [DOI: 10.1007/s12193-023-00402-z] (
- SEN, G. & SENER, B. (2022). Experience prototyping through virtual reality head-mounted displays: Design appraisals of automotive user interfaces, The Design Journal, 25:5, 807–827 [DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2022.2082128]
- ILHAN, A.E. SENER, B.& HACIHABIBOGLU, H. (2022). “Improving Sleep-Wake Behaviors Using Mobile App Gamification”, Entertainment Computing, Vol.40, January. [DOI: 10.1016/j.entcom.2021.100454]
- SEN, G. & SENER, B. (2020). “Design for Luxury Front-Seat Passenger Infotainment Systems with Experience Prototyping through VR”, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 36:18, 1714-173.
- SEN, G. & SENER, B. (2019). “Enriching the Aesthetics of Mobile Music Player Interactions through the Use of Personal Clothing and Accessories as Interfaces”, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 36(2), 141-164.
- PEDGLEY, O. & PEDGLEY, O. & SENER, B., LILLEY, D. & BRIDGENS, B. (2018). “Embracing Material Surface Imperfections in Product Design”, International Journal of Design, 12(3), 21-33.
- COŞKUN, M. & ŞENER, B. (2018). “Kullanıcı-Ürün Etkileşiminin Çok Duyulu Doğası: Küçük Ev Aletleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, (Multisensorial Nature of User-Product Interaction: A Study on Small Household Appliances), The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication–TOJDAC, 8(3), 537-550.
- SENER, B. & SEN, G. (2015). “Transitioning from Physical to Digital Sketchbooks for Industrial Design Education”, Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal – Annual Review, 8, 31-42.
- SENER, B. (2014). “Investigating the Feasibility of Digitally Created Industrial Design Sketchbooks”, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 31(1), 139-156.
- KARAHANOGLU, A. & SENER, B. (2009). “Consumers’ Emotional Responses to Brands and Branded Products”, Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal, 3(1), 323-340.
- SENER, B. (2008). “The Plenitude: Creativity, Innovation and Making Stuff by Rich Gold (Book Review)”, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 25(2), 188-192.
- SENER, B. & KURTGÖZÜ, A. (2008). “Emotion-Driven Design”, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 25(1), 127-134.
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2021). “Surface texture as a designed material product attribute”, Material Experience 2: Expanding Territories of Materials and Design, in Owain Pedgley, Elvin Karana, Valentina Ragnoli (Eds.). Chapter 5, 67-89, Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinemann. [ISBN 9780128192443]
- PEDGLEY, O. & SENER, B. (2017). “Resistant Materials in Technology Education”, Handbook of Technology Education, in de Vries, Marc J. (Der.), (25) 319-336, Springer. [ISBN 978-3-319-44686-8]
- ILHAN, A.E. SENER, B. & HACIHABIBOGLU, H. (2016). “Creating Awareness of Sleep-Wake Hours by Gamification”, Persuasive Technology 2016: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Chapter 11, Meschtscherjakov, A., De Ruyter, B., Fuchsberger, V., Murer, M. & Tscheligi, M. (eds), 9638(11), 122-123, Springer, Salzburg, Austria. [ISBN 978-3-319-31509-6; Online 978-3-319-31510-2]
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2008). “Novel Multimodal Interaction for Industrial Design”, Advances in Human Computer Interaction, Pavlidis, I. (Der.), Chapter 13, 195-214, In-Tech Education and Publishing, Croatia, October. [ISBN 978-9537619190]
- SENER, B. (2008). “Dialogue: The Contemporary Printmakings and Ex-Libreses from Turkey”, Pektaş, H. (Ed.), 76, Onur Yeni Baskı, Ankara. [ISBN 978-9759219536]
- GULTEKIN, P., SENER, B. & ERBUG, Ç. (2006). “Understanding User Expectations of Products in Physical and Virtual Domains”, Developments in Human Factors in in Transportation, Design, and Evaluation, (de) Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A. & Toffetti, A. (eds), 213-223, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, The Netherlands. [ISBN 90-42302976]
- CAMPBELL, I., SENER, B., PEDGLEY, O. & WORMALD, P. (2004). “Conceptual Design Using Haptic FreeForm Modelling”, Layered Technologies (Slojevite Tehnologije). Drstvensek, I. (Ed.), 47-58, University of Maribor Press, Maribor, Slovenia. [ISBN 86-43506168]
- DEMIRBILEK, O. & SENER, B. (2004). “Emotionally Rich Products: The Influence of Childhood Heroes, Comics and Cartoon Characters”, Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, McDonagh, D., Hekkert, P., Erp (van) J. & Gyi, D. (eds), 278-283, Taylor & Francis, London. [ISBN 978-0415303637]
- ŞENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2023). “Designing With Self-Determination Theory: Home-Based Digital Exercise Interventions Creating Positive Change”. ‘Proceedings of the ICED23 - 24th International Conference on Engineering Design’, Bordeaux, France, 24 - 28 July 2023, (3), 1417-1424.
- SENER, B., UMULU, S. & YILMAZ, A.O. (2022). “Digital Health Interventions for Promoting Sleep Wellbeing: A Design Approach Using Self-Determination Theory”. ‘Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022)’ In Erik Bohemia, Lyndon Buck, Hilary Grierson (eds). London South Bank University in London, UK. 8th - 9th September 2022. [DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.55 - ISBN: 978-1-912254-16-3]
- PEDGLEY, O. & SENER, B. (2022). “The Redesign Studio: An Intensive Evidence-Based Approach for Ideating Product and UX/UI Improvements”. ‘Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022)’ In Erik Bohemia, Lyndon Buck, Hilary Grierson (eds). London South Bank University in London, UK. 8th - 9th September 2022. [DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.105 - ISBN: 978-1-912254-16-3]
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2021). “Wearable Tactual Communicators: Designing Products with Technology-Mediated Touch”. ‘Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021)’ In Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon (eds). VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th-10th September 2021. [DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2021.79 – ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9]
- YILDIZ, M., UMULU, S., COSKUN, A., SENER, B. (2021). “Take Back Control of Your Time: Design Activity for Reflecting on Time and Timekeeping Practices”. ‘Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021)’ In Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon (eds). VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th-10th September 2021. [DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2021.89 – ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9]
- Dursun, M., & ŞENER, B. (2021). Eliciting Children’s Expectations for Hand Prostheses Through Generative Design Tools. Proceedings of the Design Society, August 2021, pp. 1343 – 1352. [DOI: 10.1017/pds.2021.134]
- KARADENIZ KÜÇÜK, A., & ŞENER, B. (2021). Design For Positive Breast Self-Exam Experience Using Mobile Apps. Proceedings of the Design Society, August 2021, pp. 1013 – 1022, 1, 1013-1022. [DOI: 10.1017/pds.2021.101]
- ŞEN, G. & ŞENER, B. (2020). “Otomobil Yolcularına Yönelik Bilgi-Eğlence Sistemlerinde Kullanıcı Beklentileri ve Tasarım Öngörüleri” 4. UTAK 2020 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: 8-10 September.
- ŞENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2020). “Ürün-Kullanıcı Deneyiminde Dokunma Hissinin Haptik Teknolojilerle Zenginleştirilmesi” 4. UTAK 2020 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: 8-10 September.
- FINDIK ÖNAL, N. & SENER, B. (2019). “Using a Self-Reporting Tool to Capture Design Student’s Experience”, ‘Proceedings of DRS LearnXdesign 2019 5th International Conference for Design Education Researchers: Insider Knowledge’, 9-12 July 2019, 439-453, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2019). “Accelerating students’ capability in design for interaction”, ‘Proceedings of DRS LearnXdesign 2019 5th International Conference for Design Education Researchers: Insider Knowledge’, 9-12 July 2019, 171-183, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- ŞEN, G. & ŞENER, B. (2019). “The Aspects of Aesthetics of Interaction: Deconstructing The ‘How’ Level of User-Product Interactions” Turkish Congress of Aesthetics (3.Türkiye Estetik Kongresi), SanArt Associations of Aesthetics and Visual Culture (Estetik ve Görsel Kültür Derneği), 23-25 May, METU Culture and Convention Center.
- COŞKUN, A & ŞENER, B. (2018). “Ev Teknolojilerine Yönelik Kullanıcı Beklentilerinin Geleceği Düşleme Yöntemi İle Toplanması” [Gathering of User Expectations of Home Technologies through Future Forecasting Method], 3. UTAK 2018 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Tasarım ve Umut (3rd. Design Research Conference: ‘Design and Hope’), 12-14 September 2018, 219-235, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- ŞENER, B., HASDOĞAN, G. & PEDGLEY, O. (2018). “Yaşlılar için Evde E-Sağlık Çözümleri” [Home-Based eHealth Systems for the Elderly], 3. UTAK 2018 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Tasarım ve Umut (3rd. Design Research Conference: ‘Design and Hope’), 12-14 September 2018, 201-217, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- SEN, G. & SENER, B. & JUMP, M. (2018). “Contemporary automotive infotainment solutions to empower front-seat passengers”, Proceedings of DRS 2018 – Design Research Society Conference: ‘Design as a Catalyst for Change’, Edited by: Cristiano Storni, Keelin Leahy, Muireann McMahon, Peter Lloyd, Erik Bohemia (eds), 25-28 June 2018, Vol.6, 2246-2265, The University of Limerick and Limerick School of Art and Design, Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick, Ireland.
- YARDIM-SENER, S., SEN, G., PEDGLEY, O., SENER, B., & MURRAY, G. (2016). “Product Experience and Luxury Values”, 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion: ‘Celebration and Contemplation’. 27-30 September, [digital], Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2015). “Designing for Multisensorial Interactive Product Experiences”, EPDE 2015: 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education ‘Great Expectations: Design Teaching, Research & Enterprise’, 3-4 September, [digital], Loughborough University, Design School, UK.
- TOPAL, B. & SENER, B. (2015). “Augmented Reality for Enhanced Student Industrial Design Presentations”, EPDE 2015: 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education ‘Great Expectations: Design Teaching, Research & Enterprise’, 3-4 September, [digital], Loughborough University, Design School, UK.
- TOPAL, B. & SENER, B. (2015). “Appraisal of Augmented Reality Technologies for Supporting Industrial Design Practices”, HCI 2015: 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2-7 August, [digital], Los Angeles, CA, USA.
- SEN, G. & SENER, B. (2015). “Towards Improvement of Interaction Aesthetics of Mobile Music Listening Journeys”, ICED 2015 – Design for Life: 20th International Conference on Engineering Design ‘Contended Life’, 21-31 July, [digital], Bovisa Campus – Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- TUNA, N. & SENER, B. (2015). “An Investigation of Diet Apps for Enhancing People’s Health and Wellbeing”, ICED 2015 – Design for Life: 20th International Conference on Engineering Design ‘Healthy Life’, 21-31 July, [digital], Bovisa Campus – Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- COŞKUN, M. & ŞENER, B. (2014). “Kullanıcıların Duyusal Ürün Deneyimlerini Değerlendirme Biçimleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma Kurgusu” [A Study on the Evaluation of Users’ Sensory Product Experiences], UTAK 2014 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Eğitim, Araştırma, Meslek ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (Design Research Conference: Education, Research, Profession and Social Responsibility), 10-12 September 2014, 363-377, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- HASDOĞAN, G. & ŞENER, B. (2014). “Endüstri Destekli Eğitim Projelerinin Arkasındaki Motivasyonlar: ODTÜ Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü Mezuniyet Projeleri” [Motivations Behind Industrial Support to Education Projects: METU Industrial Design Department Graduation Projects], UTAK 2014 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Eğitim, Araştırma, Meslek ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (Design Research Conference: Education, Research, Profession and Social Responsibility), 10-12 September 2014, 219-234, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- SENER, B., & PEDGLEY, O. (2014). “Nine Ways to Wake Up: Bedside Alarm Clocks Designed by A Meaningful Interaction Learning Approach”. 9th International Conference of Design and Emotion: ‘The Colors of Care’. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia.
- COŞKUN, M. & ŞENER, B. (2014). “Kullanıcıların Duyusal Ürün Deneyimlerini Değerlendirme Biçimleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma Kurgusu” [A Study on the Evaluation of Users’ Sensory Product Experiences], UTAK 2014 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Eğitim, Araştırma, Meslek ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (Design Research Conference: Education, Research, Profession and Social Responsibility), 10-12 September 2014, 363-377, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- HASDOĞAN, G. & ŞENER, B. (2014). “Endüstri Destekli Eğitim Projelerinin Arkasındaki Motivasyonlar: ODTÜ Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü Mezuniyet Projeleri” [Motivations Behind Industrial Support to Education Projects: METU Industrial Design Department Graduation Projects], UTAK 2014 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı: Eğitim, Araştırma, Meslek ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (Design Research Conference: Education, Research, Profession and Social Responsibility), 10-12 September 2014, 219-234, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- SENER, B. & SEN, G. (2014). “Transitioning from Physical to Digital Sketchbooks for Industrial Design Education”, 8th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices: ‘Design as Collective Intelligence’, 16-18 January, [digital], UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada.
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2012). “So, What Comes Next? Constructive Randomness within Products”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Design & Emotion: ‘Out of Control’, 10-14 September 2012, University of Central Saint Martins, London, UK.
- GURAKAR, E., SENER, B., DIEHL, J.C. & KESKIN, D. (2008). “Appreciation of Ecodesign within Turkish Production Industries”, Proceedings of ICOVACS 2008: International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, 12-14 November 2008, 119-129, İzmir, Turkey.
- CILA, N., ERBUG, Ç. & SENER, B. (2007). “Users’ Understanding of Fun in Consumer Products”, Bust, P.D. (Der.) Contemporary Ergonomics 2007, 17-19 April 2007, 291-296, Nottingham, UK: Taylor & Francis.
- SENER, B., GULTEKIN, P. & ERBUG, Ç. (2006). “Comparisons between User Expectations for Products in Physical and Virtual Domains”, Bust, P.D. (Ed.) Contemporary Ergonomics 2006, 149-156, Cambridge, UK: Taylor & Francis.
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. (2005). “Next-generation digital industrial design tools driven by enactive interfaces”, Proceedings of II. International Enactive Interfaces Conference, 17-19 November, [CD], Genoa, Italy.
- SENER, B. (2004). “Towards a Sensory-Emotive Domain for Digital Industrial Design Tools”, Proceedings of the Fourth Design & Emotion Conference, 12-14 July, Middle East Technical University, [CD], Ankara, Turkey.
- SENER, B. (2004). “Towards a Sensory-Emotive Domain for Digital Industrial Design Tools”, Abstracts of the Conference – Design & Emotion, Kurtgözü, A. (Ed.), 12-14 July, Middle East Technical University, 69, Ankara, Turkey.
- DEMIRBILEK, O., SENER, B., MARSHALL, N. & JONKER, A. (2004). “A Rendezvous with the Cartoon Characters in Consumer Products”, Proceedings of the Fourth Design & Emotion Conference, 12-14 July, Middle East Technical University, [CD] Ankara, Turkey.
- DEMIRBILEK, O., SENER, B., MARSHALL, N. & JONKER, A. “A Rendezvous with the Cartoon Characters in Consumer Products”, Abstracts of the Conference – Design & Emotion, Kurtgözü, A. (Ed.), 12-14 July, Middle East Technical University, 20, Ankara, Turkey, (2004).
- SENER, B., PEDGLEY, O., WORMALD, P. & CAMPBELL, I. (2003). “Incorporating the Freeform Haptic Modelling System into New Product Development” Proceedings of the EuroHaptics-2003 International Conference, DeBeer, D. (Ed.), 6-9 July, Trinity College Dublin & Media Lab Europe, 26-39, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.
- CAMPBELL, I., HAGUE, R., SENER, B., S. ZHEN & WORMALD, P. (2003) “Re-inventing the wheelwright: the emergence of the digital artisan”, Proceedings of RAPDASA 4th Int. Conference on Rapid Product Development, 4-6 November, [CD], Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
- SENER, B., WORMALD, P. & CAMPBELL, I. (2002). “Evaluating a Haptic Modelling System with Industrial Designers” Proceedings of the EuroHaptics-2002 International Conference, Wall, S.A., Riedel, B., Crossan, A. & McGee, M.R. (eds), 8-10 July, 165-170, Edinburgh, UK, (2002).
- SENER, B., WORMALD, P. & CAMPBELL, I. (2002). “Towards ‘virtual clay’ modelling – challenges and recommendations: A brief summary of the literature” Proceedings of the DESIGN 2002 7th. International Design Conference, Marjanovic, D. (Ed.), 14-17 May, Vol.1, 545-551, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- SENER, B., VERGEEST, J. & AKAR, E. (2002). “New generation computer-aided design tools: Two related research projects investigating the future expectations of designers” Proceedings of the DESIGN 2002 7th. International Design Conference, Marjanovic, D. (Ed.), 14-17 May, Vol.1, 539-545, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- DEMIRBILEK, O. & SENER, B. (2001). “A design language for products: designing for happiness” Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Human Factors Design, Helander, M., Khalid, H.M. & Tham, M.P. (eds), 27-29 Haziran, The Oriental, Singapore, 19-24, Asean Academic Press, London.
- SENER, B. & WORMALD, P. (2001). “The future of computer use in product design” Proceedings of CADE 2001 – Computers in Art & Design Education: Digital Creativity Crossing the Border, Shaw, R. & McKay, John (eds), 9-12 April, Glasgow, 358-363, The Glasgow School of Art Press, UK.
- YURDAKUL, I., SENER, B. & ERDINÇ, S., (1996). “The evaluation of multimedia products for children”, Proceedings of Türkiye First International Distance Education Symposium, Ministry of Education, Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı MONE-FRTED, 12-15 November, 693-699, Başkent Öğretmenevi, Ankara, Turkey.
- YURDAKUL, I., SENER, B. & ERDINÇ, S., (1996). “The evaluation of multimedia products for children”, Abstracts of Türkiye First International Distance Education Symposium, Ministry of Education, Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı MONE-FRTED, 12-15 November, 99, Ankara, Turkey.
- PEDGLEY, O. & SENER, B. “Interaction Design: Core Values”, New Design, 67, 32-35 (2009).
- SENER, B. “Master Class”, New Design, 60, 54-57 (2008).
- SENER, B. “Feel the Emotion”, New Design, 57, 28-30 (2008).
- SENER, B. “Objects of emotion: Turkish needlework”. Mason, J. (Ed.), ENGAGE – Designing for Emotion: International Knowledge Base and Network Newsletter, No.16, August (2006).
- SENER, B. & ERBUG, Ç. “Dimensions of teaching design and emotion”. Mason, J. (Ed.), ENGAGE – Designing for Emotion: International Knowledge Base and Network Newsletter, No.12, April (2006).
- ŞENER-PEDGLEY, B. Museum of the Future: Gelecek Beklemez! [Museum of the Future: The Future Won't Wait!] Arredamento Mimarlık, Senyücel S. (Ed.). İstanbul: Binat Danışmanlık, Temmuz-Ağustos, No.359 2023/07-08, 50-54 (2023).
- ŞENER-PEDGLEY, B. “İnsanlık için Prototipler” [Prototypes for Humanity], Arredamento Mimarlık, Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Binat Danışmanlık, Ocak-Şubat, No.356 2023/1, 26-29 (2023).
ŞENER-PEDGLEY, B. “Maskenin Maskesini Düşürmek” [Unmasking the Mask], Arredamento Mimarlık, Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Binat Danışmanlık, Mart-Nisan, No.345 2021/2, 94-97 (2021).
ŞENER, B. “Tasarımın Sağlık ve İyi Oluşa Etkisi” [The impact of design on health and well-being], Arredamento Mimarlık, Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Binat Danışmanlık, December, 108-112 (2018).
SENER, B. “İş Yaşamı için Genç Fikirlere Endüstri Desteği” [Industry Support to Young Ideas for Business Life]. Ofis + İletişim, İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.31, 2012/2, 58-62 (2012).
- SENER, B. “Genç Çözüm Önerileri” [Fresh Solutions]. Banyo + Mutfak, İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.84, August/September, 52-54 (2012).
- HASDOĞAN, G. & SENER, B. “Sanayi Destekli Mezuniyet Projelerinde ODTÜ İkinci On Yıla Adım Atarken” [As METU Approaching to Second Decade in Industry Collaborated Projects], Banyo + Mutfak. İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.259, July/August, 119-121 (2012).
- SENER, B. “Düşlerle Gerçekliğin Arayüzü; Tasarım” [Interface between Dreams and Reality: Design], Banyo + Mutfak. İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.76, April/May, 170-173 (2011).
- SENER, B. “Yüzyılın İlk On Yılında Dijital Ürün, Servis ve Teknolojiler” [Digital Product, Service and Technologies in the First Decade of the Century], Arredamento Mimarlık, Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.242, January, 124-127 (2011).
- SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O. “Dijital Ürünler Duyguları İfade Etmeye Aracı Olabilir Mi?” [Can Digital Products be Means to Express Emotions?], Arredamento Mimarlık, Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.229, November, 40-44 (2009).
- SENER, B. “Madrid’in Sokak Tabelaları: Küçük Bir Şehir Gezintisi” [Madrid’s Street Signs: A Little City Tour], Arredamento Mimarlık, in Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.221, February, 34-35 (2009).
- SENER, B. “ODTÜ Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü Mezuniyet Projeleri Sergisi” [METU Department of Industrial Design Graduate Projects Exhibition], Arredamento Mimarlık, in Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.215, July-August, 99-102 (2008).
- SENER, B. “Rüzgargülleri: Gökyüzünü Renklendiren Tasarımlar” [Weathervanes: Designs Colouring up the Sky], Arredamento Mimarlık, in Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.100 + 99, February, 122-126 (2007).
- SENER, B. “Düşsel Çizgilerden Fiziksel Nesnelere” [From Dreamy Lines to Real Objects], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.8, July-August, 108-110 (2007).
- SENER, B. “Biyometrik Tanımlama Teknolojileri” [Biometric Identification Technologies], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.7, June, 136-139 (2007).
- SENER, B. “ReacTable: Elektronik Müzik Etkileşimli Tasarımla Yeniden Yorumlanırsa” [ReacTable: When Electronic Music is Reinterpreted through Interactive Design], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.6, May, 98-101 (2007).
- SENER, B. “Tasarımları Aydınlatan Teknoloji: Işık Yayan Kumaşlar” [Technology Shedding Light on Design: Luminative Textile], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.5, April, 88-90 (2007).
- SENER, B. “Teknolojinin Tasarımla Buluştuğu Nokta: Mimiklerle Çizim Yapmak” [When Technology Meets Design: Drawing with Gestures], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.4, March, 98-100 (2007).
- SENER, B. “Yeni Nesil Çizim Araçları: Kağıt-Kalemden Elektronik Ortama” [New Generation Drawing Tools: From Pen and Paper to Electronic Medium], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.3, February, 74-76 (2007).
- SENER, B. “Bilgisayar Destekli Ürün Geliştirmede Yeni Teknolojiler: Dokunma Hisli Modelleme” [New Technologies in Computer Aided Product Development: Haptic Modelling], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.2, January, 138-141 (2007).
- HASDOĞAN, G. & SENER, B. “İyi Tasarım Üzerine” [About Good Design], TM Tasarım Merkezi Dergisi. Ankara: TM Anadolu Tasarım Merkezi A.Ş, No.1, December, 66-70 (2006).
- SENER, B. “Ürün Tasarımında ‘Estetik-Kullanılabilirlik’ Bir Çekişme Mi?” [‘Aesthetics-Usability’ A Battle in Product Design?], Arredamento Mimarlık, in Tanyeli, U. (Ed.). İstanbul: Boyut Publishing Group, No.100 + 96, November, 106-109 (2006).
- SENER, B. “Reklam için İnternet, İnternet için Reklam” [Internet for Advertising, Advertising for Internet], Marketing Türkiye, July, No.197, 82 (1999).
- SENER, B. “Melez Bir İletişim Kanalı: İnternet” [Hybrid Communication Channel: Internet], MediaCat, July, 40-41 (1999).
- SENER, B. “Web Sayfa Tasarımı” [Web Page Design], MediaCat, December, 56-57 (1997).
Administrative Duties
Programme Coordinator, International Joint Master of Science Programme of ‘Design Research for Interaction’ (METU & Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands); (1/2008-4/2010)
Head of Department; (4/2007-10/2008)