In its 29th General Assembly, ICSID Changed its name to “World Design Organisation” and redefined “Industrial Design”
In the 29th ICSID General Assembly, which took place between October 17th-18th, 2015 in Gwangju, South Korea, radical decisions were made from changing the name of the institution to re-defining industrial design. Prof. Dr. Gülay Hasdoğan attended to the general assembly to represent our department. ICSID changed its name to World Design Organization (WDO) and made several revisions on its regualtions accordignly. ICSID has previously started a movement called “Renew ID” to invite all members to contribute to the new definiton of industrial design online ( According to the feedback, the following definition was announced at the general assembly and published online: “Industrial design is a strategic problem-solving process applicable to products, systems, services and experiences which results in innovation, business success and a better quality of life.”, Mexico City was announced as the 2018 World Design Captial and Mrs. Luisa Bocchietto, (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, Italy) was elected as the President Elect. The election results for the administrative board, in which Prof. Dr. Alpay Er was also a candidate, are as follows:
Mr. Shikuan Chen, Taiwan Design Center, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)
Ms. Vivian Wai Kwan Cheng, Hong Kong Design Centre, Hong Kong SAR
Prof. Alpay Er, Ozyegin University, Turkey Mr. Mario Gagnon, Association of Canadian Industrial Designers, Canada
Prof. Yongqi Lou, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, China
Ms. Eunjoo Maing, Korea Institute of Design Promotion, South Korea
Mr. Gilles Rougon, Ecole nationale superieure des Arts Decoratifs, France
Mr. Srini Srinivasan, LUMIUM Inc., United States
Dr. Makoto Watanabe, Chiba University, Japan