As a part of BA 100 Career Planning course, Fulden Dehneli will give a seminar titled "Finding Your Designer-Self". The seminar will be held online on 22nd May 2024, Wednesday, between 17:40-18:30 at G102 in New Building of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. We invite everyone interested to join us.

Fulden Dehneli is an industrial designer who has been featured on numerous global and local platforms with her designed products, winning prestigious design awards such as Red Dot, IF, Samsung X Dezeen, and Electrolux Design Lab. After completing her education at METU, she started her career at Stockholm Electrolux and moved to Shanghai in 2017 with the goal of becoming a global designer, eventually founding her own design firm, Fuldende, in 2019. Focusing on bringing global perspectives and dynamic insights to the design process, Fulden Dehneli continues to work passionately to create designs with fresh perspectives and meaningful experience that add value to people's lives. In addition to her professional career, she also engages in and contributes to voluntary projects aimed at developing collective unity and consciousness.

Last Updated:
17/05/2024 - 13:41