Assist. Prof. Dr Gülşen Töre Yargın
I am an Assistant Professor of Industrial Design at Middle East Technical University and the director of METU/BILTIR-UTEST Product Usability Unit (UTEST). After completing my PhD on effective communication of user research findings, I conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge, Engineering Design Centre.
I have been practising as a design researcher since 2007 and have worked on almost 20 projects which mainly involve industry collaboration with firms involving leading white goods and home electronics manufacturers, automotive firms, and defence companies. My current research interests involve UX research methods and education and human-centred design of emerging technologies, particularly conversational agents, sensor-based technologies and smart products, and their user experiences.
PhD. 2013 (Industrial Design), Middle East Technical University, “Developing a Model for Effective Communication of User Research Findings to the Design Process”
MSc. 2006 (Industrial Design), Middle East Technical University, “User workshops: A procedure for eliciting user needs and user defined problems.”
BID. 2003 (Industrial Design), Middle East Technical University
Academic and Research Positions
Assistant Professor, METU Department of Industrial Design, 2015 – present
Visiting Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge, Engineering Design Centre (EDC), 2013-2014
Researcher, METU – BİLTİR /UTEST Product Usability Unit, 2007 – present
Research Assistant, METU Department of Industrial Design, 2007 – 2012
Süner-Pla-Cerdà, S., Töre Yargın, G., & Günay, A. (forthcoming). Industrial Designers in UX Practice: Motivations, Professionalisation and the Construction of the Designer Identity, Design Issues.
Günay, A., Töre Yargin, G., Süner-Pla-Cerdà, S., & Kulaksız, M. (2022). ‘How should my family assistant be?’: initial perceptions about prospective and anticipated use of in-home virtual assistants in an emerging context, Behaviour & Information Technology.
Süner-Pla-Cerdà, S., Günay, A., Töre Yargin, G., & Ural, H. (2021). Industrial Design Students’ Perceptions towards a Career in User Experience Field in Turkey. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-29.
Kaygan, P., & Töre Yargın, G. (2019). Design for the well-being of domestic animals: implementation of a three-stage user research model. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 24(3), 12-30. Available at:
Töre Yargın, G., Moroşanu Firth, R. M., & Crilly, N. (2018). User requirements for analogical design support tools: Learning from practitioners of bio-inspired design. Design Studies, 58, 1-35.
Töre Yargin, G., Karadoğaner, A. ve Oğur, D. (Ed.). (2018). UTAK2018 3. Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı Bildiri Kitabı: Tasarım ve Umut. Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları.
Kaygan, P., Töre Yargın G., Öztürk Şengül, M. ve Salgırlı Demirbaş, Y. (2018). Hayvanlar için tasarım. XXI, (170), 6-10. (Article is available here)
Töre Yargın, G. and Erbuğ, Ç. (2017). Inspiration, Guidance And Justification: An Interactive Information System To Assist Design Decisions With User Research Data. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 34(2). 13-33.
Töre Yargın, G. and Crilly, N. (2015). Information and interaction requirements for software tools supporting analogical design. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. (in the Special Issue on ‘Analogical Thinking’), 29(2). 203-214.
Conference Papers
Süner-Pla-Cerdà, S., Töre Yargın, G., Şahin, H. & Danış, S. (2021). Examining the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on UX Research Practice through UX Blogs. In International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability. June 24-29, 2021. Springer, Cham.
Coşkun, A., Büyükkeçeci, E., & Töre Yargın, G., (2020). Exploring Success Criteria of Instructional Video Design in Online Learning Platforms. In Cordan, O., Dinçay, D.A., Yurdakul Toker, Ç., Öksüz, E.B., Semizoğlu, S. (Eds.). Game + Design Education of PUDCAD 2020 Universal Design Education Practice Conference 2020. June 24-26, 2020. Springer, Cham.
Yurt, Y. D., Özkan, I., & Töre Yargın, G., (2020). Tasarım Stüdyosu Eğitiminde Fikir Üretme Sürecinde Kullanılan Yöntemlerin ve Karşılaşılan Problemlerin Öğrenci Bakış Açısıyla İncelenmesi. UTAK 2020 Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı, Eylül 8-10, 2020. Ankara, Turkey
Karadeniz, A., Dursun M. & Töre Yargın, G. (2019) Exploring design requirements of outdoor fitness equipment for young people. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 24-28 July 2019. Washington D.C., USA.
Töre Yargın, G., Günay, A. & Süner-Pla-Cerdà, S. (2019). UX Modelling in Design Education: Methods, Processes and Examples. Proceedings of the DRS Learn X Design, International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 9-12 July 2019 (To be held). Ankara, Turkey.
Töre Yargın, G., Süner, S. and Günay, A. (2018). Modelling User Experience: Integrating User Experience Research into Design Education. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. (*Selected as Best Paper – available here)
Güneş, Ç. And Töre Yargın, G. (2017) Affective Human Factors in Aviation. Paper presented at the the 6th Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum /Heli Japan 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, November 7-9, 2017.
Erbuğ Ç., Kuru,A., Töre-Yargın, G., Karadoğaner, A., Dikmen,F. (2014) Kullanıcı arayüzü tasarımı rehber bilgi sistemi. Paper presented at SAVTEK2014, 25-27 June 2014, Ankara, Turkey
Töre Yargın, G. and Erbuğ, Ç. (2012). Information system for visualizing user research to lead innovation. In e. Bohemia, J. Liedtka and A. Rieple (Eds.) Proceedings of the DMI 2012 International Research Conference. Massachusetts Collage of Art and Design, August 8–9, 2012, Boston, MA, USA.
Töre Yargın, G. and Erbuğ, Ç. (2011). A Proposed Information Systems Framework for Effective Delivery of User Research Findings. In Proceedings of Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces 2011 (DPPI 2011). Politecnico di Milano, June 22–25, 2011, Milan, Italy.
Özer, E. N., Töre, G., and Erbuğ, Ç.(2009). Attitudes of Public Bus Drivers towards Technology Integration in the Dashboard Design. In D. de Waard, J. Godthelp, F.L. Kooi, and K.A. Brookhuis (Eds.) Human Factors, Security and Safety (pp. 317 – 329). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. ISBN 978-90-423-0373-7
Töre, G., Özer, E.N., and Erbuğ, Ç. (2008). Emotional Dimensions Regarding Job Satisfaction: The Case of Dashboard Design for City Buses. In: PMA. Desmet, SA. Tzvetanova, P. Hekkert, and L.Justice, (Eds.), Proceedings of The Sixth Conference on Design and Emotion 2008. School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 6-9 October 2008, Hong Kong SAR. ISBN 978-988-17489-2-8
Töre, G. and Hasdoğan, G. (2006). User workshops: a method for eliciting user needs. In: Karlsson, M.A., Desmet, P., and van Erp, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of The Fifth Conference on Design and Emotion 2006. Department of Product and Production Development, Division Design, Chalmers University of Technology, 27-29 September, Göteborg, Sweden. ISBN 91-975079-5-4
Conference Poster Presentations and Abstracts
Saral, B., Isparta, S., Töre Yargın, G., Adıay, D., Musa, S. A. , Keskin Yılmaz, N., … Çınar Kul, B.(2020). A Canine Food Reaching Task (CanFoRe): A New Tool to Assess Paw Preference in Domestic Dogs . ECAWBM – Behavioural Medicine 2020 (pp.36).
Isparta, S., Ocklenburg, S., Keskin, N., Adıay, D., Töre Yargın, G., Çınar Kul, B., … Saral, B.(2020). The Relationship Between Stress and Functional Cerebral Asymmetry in Dogs . Animal Behaviour Society (ABS) 2020
Özçelik, A., Beikzadeh, A., & Töre Yargın, G., (2019). Yeni Nesil Annelik: Etkinlik Annelerinin Instagram Vasıtası ile Ürettiği Pratikler . STS TURKEY 2019 Toplum için Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmaları Konferansı, Eylül 10-12, 2019. İstanbul, Turkey
Salgirli Demirbaş, Y., Şafak, C. E. , Töre Yargin, G., Kaygan, P., & Saral, B., (2018). Multidisciplinary Educational Approach for Improving Animal Welfare: Product Family for Improving Well-being of Cats and Dogs . ECAWBM CONGRESS
Töre, G., Özer, E. N. and Erbuğ, Ç. (2008). Eliciting Preferences and Concerns of City Bus Drivers Regarding the Dashboard Components through Participatory Research. Poster presentation. The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting in Soesterberg. 15-17 October 2008. Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
Seminars and Talks
Töre Yargın, G. (July 2019). “Communicating design research: Evolution of a research framework from a PhD to postdoctoral research” [PhD Pit-Stop Lecture]. DRS Learn X Design 2019, Fifth International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Ankara, Turkey
Töre Yargın, G. (April 2014). Designers as Users of Information: An Information System for Delivering User Research Findings. [Event talk]. ‘UX Lightning Talks’ organised by Cambridge Usability Group, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Töre, G. (2006). Kullanıcı Çalıştayları: Duygusal ve Somut İhtiyaçları Anlamaya Yönelik Bir Yöntem. Invited seminar presentation in “Duygular için Tasarim” Sempozyumu – EU ENGAGE Project National Event, Ankara.
Professional Practice
Worked as a professional designer between 2003 – 2006 for Tepe Home Furniture and Home Accessories; SBS – Creat-e Multimedia Solutions; and Nuriş Welding Machines.
Awards & Honors
METU Incentive for Premium Performance 2018
Best Paper Award in IADIS 2018 – International Conferences Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (co-authors: Sedef Süner & Aslı Günay)
ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı, 2016 Young Researcher Achievement Award
Research Grant from the International Post Doctoral Research Fellowship Programme (BİDEB-2219) of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) (October 2013- October 2014)
ÇİMSA Street Furniture Design Competition 2001, Honourable Mention
Research Projects
Post Doctoral Research Project conducted at the University of Cambridge : Developing an Information System Framework for Delivering a Roadmap and Design Strategies for Innovation (October 2013 – October 2014) funded by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) – Worked on the Inter-disciplinary Engineering Approach to Systems (IdEAS) project as a member of the Design Practice Group in EDC and supervised by Dr Nathan Crilly
ENGAGE – Engineering Emotional Design (July 2006 – October 2006) European Union funded project conducted at METU Department of Industrial Design – Worked as a local researcher
NATIONAL PROJECTS conducted at METU – BİLTİR /UTEST Product Usability Unit
Project work as the Project Coordinator
Developing a Guide for Supporting Remote User Experience Research (July 2020 – February 2021) (Kullanıcı Deneyimi Arastırması Sürecini Uzaktan Gerçeklestirmeyi Destekleyici Bir Rehber Gelistirilmesi – TÜBİTAK 1001) Grant received from 1001 – The Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program. Project report (in Turkish):
Exploring technology mediated human-canine interactions to foster canine well-being in domestic settings (January 2020 – ongoing) (Ev ortamında köpek iyi oluşunun sağlanması için teknolojinin aracılık ettiği insan-köpek etkileşimlerinin incelenmesi) BAP – Thesis Project (PhD student: Aslıhan Tokat)
User Experience Modelling as an Education Agenda (January 2017 – 2019) (Bir Eğitim Amacı olarak Kullanıcı Deneyimi Modelleme) BAP 1 Project
Identifying use cases and product evaluation dimensions for voice user interface (VUI) at home (June 2017 – February 2018) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Industrial Design Division
Procedure and methodology advisory for the integration of user insight generation process into R&D processes (December 2016 – January 2017) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Ankara Dishwasher Division
A framework for trust in design and long-term acceptance of smart products (March 2016 – January 2017) (Akıllı Ürünlerin Uzun Dönemli Kabulunde Güven ve Tasarım İlişkisine Dair Bir Çerçeve – MSc. Student: Meriç Dağlı; Advisor: Gülşen Töre Yargın) TEKNOTEZ Project in collaboration with Vitra Innovation Center
Project work as a Researcher
Identifying the Relation Between Stress-Related Behaviours and Functional Cerebral Asymmetry in Dogs (January 2018 – August 2021) (Köpeklerde Stresle ilişkili Davranışlar ile Fonksiyonel Serebral Asimetri Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi – TÜBİTAK 1001) Grant received from 1001 – The Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program. The project is conducted by Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Developing a roadmap for dishwasher rack design (November 2014 – July 2015) in collaboration with BSH
An information system for communicating design guidance to software developers in defence industry (May 2013 – September 2013) in collaboration with ASELSAN
Perception of spaciousness in refrigerator design (October 2012 – February 2013) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Ankara Refrigerator Division
Evaluation of Conceptual Designs of Washing Systems for Dishwashers (September 2012 – October 2012) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Ankara Dishwasher Division
Perceived Qualities of Dishwashers (December 2010 – March 2011) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Ankara Dishwasher Division
User Acceptance Analysis for a newly Developed Dishwasher, Based on Contextual Research (April 2010 – September 2010) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Ankara Dishwasher Division
Energy Awareness: Mental Models for Washing Machines (December 2009 – March 2010) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Istanbul – Tuzla Washing Machine Division
Expert Analysis and Interface Evaluation for “Energy Free” Washing Machines (December 2009 – January 2010) in collaboration with ARÇELİK, Istanbul – Tuzla Washing Machine Division
Perceived Qualities for Midi-buses (June 2008 – March 2009) in collaboration with TEMSA
Perceived Qualities for Mini-vans (July 2007 – December 2007) in collaboration with TOFAŞ/FIAT TURKEY
User Requirements Analysis and Problem Specification for City Buses (April 2007 – July 2007) in collaboration with TEMSA
User Requirement Analysis and Dashboard Design for Public Buses-SANTEZ Project (January 2007 – April 2008) funded by TUBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 3 years long project (2006-2009)
Thesis Supervision
Current students
Semih Danış (PhD), “Developing a Framework for Remote User Experience Research by Exploring Post- Pandemic Practices”
Aslıhan Tokat (PhD), “Technology for Better Animal Care: Identifying the Dimensions for Increasing the Carers’ Awareness through Dog Activity Monitoring Systems”
Mert Kulaksız (PhD), “Conceptualization of Designers’ Empathy as it is Performed Towards User Groups that They are not a Part of”
Ezgi Çakır (PhD), “Exploring Children’s Meaningful Interaction with Conversational User Interfaces”
Hakan Gürkanlı (PhD), “Design and Implementation of Robotic Learning Tools in K-12 Learning Environments”
Sinan Yakupoğlu (MSc), “Developing a Design Guidance for Improving the Welfare of Domestic Dogs”
Hilal Şahin (MSc), “Conversational Agents in Older Adults’ Life”
Enes Coşkun (MSc), “Information System Design for Decision Support for Helicopter Cockpit Design”
Completed Theses
Güneş, Ç. (2021). Developing a measurement scale for evaluating perceived affective qualities in flight deck design [Ph.D. – Doctoral Program]. Middle East Technical University.
Ertürkan, H. (2019). Research through design for chronic time pressure: An exploratory study for improving subjective well-being of people who suffers from time pressure and time scarcity [M.S. – Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
Yücelmiş, U. (2018). A Procedure proposal for developing novel ideas for military products: Domain expert knowledge transfer through design by analogy [M.S. – Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
Topçuoğlu, O. (2018). Exploring the potentials of virtual reality technology for user evaluation of a shunter locomotive driver cabin [M.S. – Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
Demirci, H. M. (2018). User experience over time with conversational agents: Case study of woebot on supporting subjective well-being [M.S. – Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
Gürkanlı, C. H. (2018). Exploring design requirements for educational robots used in K-12 education from educator’s perspective [M.S. – Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
Tosun, M. (2017). Strategies for design interventions that promote prosocial behavior for littering [M.S. – Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.