Prof. Dr Owain Pedgley


Phone: +90 312 210 4219

Room: UTEST 19


Owain Pedgley B.Sc. Ph.D. is a Full Professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Middle East Technical University, Turkey. His research expertise spans design for interaction and user experience (UX), especially in relation to material interfaces and product design. He is one of the three editors of the book series ‘Materials Experience’ (Elsevier, 2021; 2014); Editorial Board member of Design Studies; and She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation. He is a long-time supporter of ‘Research through Design’ as an approach to academic inquiry. Owain is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), acknowledging over 20 years’ experience and contribution to broad-based product design education. He has supervised and helped exhibit hundreds of industry-collaborated student concept design projects, working with international and local brands seeking innovations to products, services and systems. Prior to his academic career, Owain designed and prototyped sports equipment and musical instruments.

Research Areas

My core research expertise spans user experience (UX), interfaces and interaction, design materialization and research through design (RTD). I welcome enquiries from prospective MSc and PhD thesis students who are motivated to conduct research in the following areas under my supervision. Please e-mail me to enquire about opportunities, prior to making an application to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

Materials and Design
e.g. materials experience (material-influenced product perception, appraisal, affect and behaviour); material-driven design; design resources; materials education

Musical Instrument Design and Innovation
e.g. electronic musical instruments; MIDI controllers; new generation user interfaces; guitars 

User Experience
e.g. semantic discontinuity detection (SDD) method; semantic network clustering; product identity and brand experience; new interaction modalities and interfaces

Current PhD/MSc Thesis Supervision

Hürsu Öke (PhD) – Novel interfaces for next-generation electronic musical interfaces

Sezen Yüksel (MSc) – From vinyl to online streaming: design and cultural evolutions related to listening to recorded music

Sarper Seydioğlu (MSc) – Interactions with a peculiar radio: designing an interactive product that fosters meaningful music-listening experiences

Ozan Aksun (MSc) – Designing the spectating mode in e-sports: an experience enhancer

Erdem Çankaya (MSc) – Colours, materials and finishes (CMF) for brand differentiation and recognition in the military sector

Çağın Başkan (MSc) – Entire history of you: research and design for a social media tool to manage digital hoarding

Aleena Hasan (MSc) – Role and intellectual contribution of a designer in the context of products/services designed through open collaboration with users/consumers

Selected Publications

PEDGLEY O., ROGNOLI V., & KARANA E. (eds) (2021), Materials Experience 2: Expanding Territories of Materials and Design, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann (in preparation)

KHALAJ J. & PEDGLEY O. (2019), ‘A semantic discontinuity detection (SDD) method for comparing designers’ product expressions with users’ product impressions’, Design Studies, Vol.62 No.3, pp36-67

SENER, B. & PEDGLEY, O.  (2019), “Accelerating students’ capability in design for interaction”, ‘Proceedings of DRS LearnXdesign 2019 5th International Conference for Design Education Researchers: Insider Knowledge’,9-12 July 2019, 171-183, METU, Ankara, Turkey.

YARDIM SENER S., & PEDGLEY O. (2019), ‘To simulate or not to simulate? Challenges in digitally prototyping HMI interactive technologies’, in Proceedings of PRODPM19 International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, 2-4 October, Leiria, Portugal: Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Electronic Proceedings)

OKURSOY E. & PEDGLEY O. (2019), ‘Barriers and opportunities for integrating sustainable product design into Ankara small and medium-sized furniture enterprises’, in 29th International Conference Research for Furniture Industry, 19-20 September, Ankara: Gazi University

PEDGLEY O., SENER B., LILLEY D. & BRIDGENS B. (2018), ‘Embracing material surface imperfections in product design’, International Journal of Design, Vol.12 No.3, pp21-33

ULUSOY B., OLGUNTURK N., & PEDGLEY O. (2018). ‘Simulated CMF as a credible representation method for experimental design studies’, in Marchiafava, V. & Luzzatto, L. (eds.), Colour and Colorimetry Multidisciplinary Contributions: Proceedings of the 14th Conferenza del Colore. Vol. XIVB. p. 225-231

PEDGLEY O. & SENER B. (2017), ‘Resistant materials in technology education’, in DE VRIES M. (ed.), Handbook of Technology Education, Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing AG, pp319-336, ISBN 978-3-319-44686-8. doi:0.1007/978-3-319-38889-2_30-1

PEDGLEY O., ROGNOLI V. & KARANA E. (2016), ‘Materials experience as a foundation for materials and design education’, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, Vol.26 No.4, pp613-630. doi:10.1007/s10798-015-9327-y

AKIN F. & PEDGLEY O. (2016), ‘Sample libraries to expedite materials experience for design: a survey of global provision’, Materials and Design, Vol.90, pp1207-1217. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2015.04.045

KARANA E., PEDGLEY O., ROGNOLI V. & KORSUNSKY A. (2016), ‘Emerging material experiences’, Materials and Design, Vol.90, pp1248-1250. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2015.07.042

YARDIM SENER S., SEN G., PEDGLEY O., SENER B. & MURRAY G. (2016), ‘Product experience and luxury values’, in 10th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 27-30 September, Amsterdam (Electronic Proceedings)

KARANA E., PEDGLEY O. & ROGNOLI V. (2015), ‘On materials experience’, Design Issues, Vol.31 No.3, pp16-27. doi:10.1162/DESI_a_00335

SENER B. & PEDGLEY O. (2015), ‘Designing for multisensorial interactive product experiences’, in 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 3-4 September, Loughborough: Loughborough Design School (Electronic Proceedings)

PEDGLEY O. (2014), ‘Materials selection for product experience: new thinking, new tools’, in KARANA E., PEDGLEY O. & ROGNOLI V. (eds), Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, Oxford: Elsevier, pp337-349, ISBN 978-0-08-099359-1. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-099359-1.00024-2

KARANA E., PEDGLEY O. & ROGNOLI V. (eds) (2014), Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, Oxford: Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-08-099359-1

KARANA E., PEDGLEY O. & ROGNOLI V. (2014), ‘Introduction to materials experience’, in KARANA E., PEDGLEY O. & ROGNOLI V. (eds), Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, Oxford: Elsevier, ppxxv-xxxiii, ISBN 978-0-08-099359-1. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-099359-1.02001-4

KHALAJ J. & PEDGLEY O. (2014), ‘Comparison of semantic intent and realization in product design: a study on high-end furniture impressions’, International Journal of Design, Vol.8 No.3, pp79-96

PEDGLEY O. & NORMAN E. (2014), ‘Rob Armstrong – over forty years of outstanding guitar making in England’s heartland’, Craft Research, Vol.5 No.1, pp111-120. doi:10.1386/crre.5.1.111_1

SENER B. & PEDGLEY O. (2014), ‘Nine ways to wake up: bedside alarm clocks designed by a ‘meaningful interaction’ learning approach’, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 6-10 October, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, ISBN 978-958-774-070-7 (Electronic Proceedings)

PEDGLEY O. (2014), ‘Desirable imperfection in product materials’, DRS2014 Design Research Society International Conference, 16-19 June, Umea Institute of Design, Umea University (Electronic Proceedings)

KRUITHOF A., VISCH V., VINK P. & PEDGLEY O. (2014), ‘Comfort design through music and emotion: effects of passengers’ activities on comfort’, in Vink P. (ed) Advances in Social and Organizational Factors: 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 19-23 July, Krakow, Poland, pp554-562, ISBN 978-1-4951-2102-9

KARANA E., ROGNOLI V. & PEDGLEY O. (2013), ‘Teaching materials in design: three approaches from three universities (Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey)’, Proceedings of the 5th International Materials Education Symposium, 4-5 April, University of Cambridge (Electronic Proceedings)

SEL S. & PEDGLEY O. (2012), ‘A collaborative mass customization design project on electronic consumer goods’, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3 No.4, pp215-221

PEDGLEY O. & NORMAN E. (2012), ‘Materials innovation in acoustic guitars: challenging the tonal superiority of wood’, Leonardo Music Journal, No.22, pp17-24

BABAPOUR M., RAHE U. & PEDGLEY O. (2012), ‘The influence of self-reflective diaries on students’ design processes’, DesignEd Asia Conference 2012, 4-5 December, Hong Kong Polytechnic (Electronic Proceedings)

SEL S. & PEDGLEY O. (2012), ‘Proposition of mass customization types based on multiple case analyses’, in MCP-CE 2012 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in Central Europe, 19-21 September, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp131-135 (CD-ROM)

SEL S. & PEDGLEY O. (2012), ‘Design of mass customized electronic consumer goods: an industry-academia collaboration’, in MCP-CE 2012 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in Central Europe, 19-21 September, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp125-130 (CD-ROM)

PEDGLEY O. & SENER B. (2012), ‘So, what comes next? Constructive randomness within products’, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 11-14 September, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London (Electronic Proceedings)

KHALAJ J. & PEDGLEY O. (2012), ‘Product names as a medium of communication from designers to target users’, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design and Emotion, 11-14 September, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London (Electronic Proceedings)

KHALAJ J. & PEDGLEY O. (2012), ‘Comparison of designers’ intended messages and users’ constructed messages communicated through visual qualities of furniture’, in DRS2012 International Conference of the Design Research Society, 1-4 July, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, pp1423-1433 (CD-ROM)

PEDGLEY O. (2011), ‘Purposes of drawings in design sketchbooks’, in NORMAN E. and SEERY N. (eds), Graphicacy and Modelling, Loughborough: Loughborough Design School, pp27-50, ISBN 978-1-907382-51-2

PEDGLEY O. (2011), ‘Developments in user-centred materials selection for industrial design’, in 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 8-9 September, London: City University (CD-ROM)

ROGNOLI V., KARANA E. & PEDGLEY O. (2011), ‘Natural fibre composites in product design: an investigation into material perception and acceptance’, in International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, 22-25 June, Milan: ACM Publications

PEDGLEY O. (2010), ‘Special file: futures for materials and industrial design education’, METU Journal of The Faculty of Architecture, Vol.27 No.2, pp265-269

PEDGLEY O. (2010), ‘Invigorating industrial design materials and manufacturing education’, METU Journal of The Faculty of Architecture, Vol.27 No.2, pp339-360

PEDGLEY O. (2009), ‘Influence of stakeholders on industrial design materials and manufacturing selection’, International Journal of Design, Vol.3 No.1, pp1-15

PEDGLEY O., NORMAN E. & ARMSTRONG R. (2009), ‘Materials-inspired innovation for acoustic guitar design’, METU Journal of The Faculty of Architecture, Vol.26 No.1, pp157-175

SENER B. & PEDGLEY O. (2008), ‘Novel multimodal interaction for industrial design’, in PAVLIDIS I. (ed.), Human-Computer Interaction, Rijeka: In-Tech Education and Publishing, pp195-214, ISBN 978-953-7619-19-0

PEDGLEY O. (2007), ‘Capturing and analysing own design activity’, Design Studies, Vol.28 No.5, pp463-483

PEDGLEY O. & WORMALD P. (2007), ‘Integration of design projects within a PhD’, Design Issues, Vol.23 No.3, pp70-85

PEDGLEY O. & NORMAN E. (2007), ‘A synopsis of materials and manufacturing expertise for trainee industrial designers’, in Bohemia E., Hilton K., McMahon C. & Clarke A. (eds) Shaping The Future? 9th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Basildon: Hadleys Ltd, pp167-172

PEDGLEY O. (2005), ‘DDR4 (Designing Design Research 4) event review and reflections’, Design Issues, Vol.21 No.3, pp82-85

NORMAN E. & PEDGLEY O. (2005), ‘Technicity as the conceptual basis for explaining innovation in design and technology’, DATA International Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, pp131-139

SENER B. & PEDGLEY O. (2005), ‘Next-generation digital industrial design tools driven by enactive interfaces’, Enactive05 Second International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Genoa: Enactive Network (CD-ROM)

NORMAN E., PEDGLEY O. & COLES R. (2004), ‘Design decision-making and materials: research agendas and gathering evidence’, Journal of Design and Technology Education, Vol.9 No.2, pp107-115

CAMPBELL I., SENER B., PEDGLEY O. & WORMALD P. (2004), ‘Conceptual design using haptic freeform modelling’, in DRSTVENSEK I. (ed.), Layered Technologies (Slojevite Tehnologije), Maribor: University of Maribor, pp47-58, ISBN 86-435-0616-8

NORMAN E., PEDGLEY O. & COLES R. (2004), ‘Design decision-making and materials: investigations in the context of recycled polymers’, in BHAMRA T. & HON B. (eds), Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development 2004, Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing, pp209-219, ISBN 1-86058-470-5

PEDGLEY O. (2004), ‘Polymer acoustic guitars: designing in credibility and designing out prejudice’, International Conference on Design and Emotion, Ankara: METU (CD-ROM)

SENER B., PEDGLEY O., WORMALD P. & CAMPBELL I. (2003), ‘Incorporating the FreeForm haptic modelling system into new product development’, Eurohaptics 2003 Conference, Dublin: Trinity College/Media Lab Europe, pp 26-39

PEDGLEY O. & HAAKE S. (2002), ‘Topple dangers posed by free-standing soccer goalposts’, Sports Engineering, Vol.5 No.1, pp53-63

BATES D. & PEDGLEY O. (1998), ‘An industrial design team’s approach to engineering design’, IMC15 – Fifteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, Jordanstown: University of Ulster, pp175-182

PEDGLEY O. (1997), ‘Towards a method for documenting industrial design activity from the designer’s perspective’, IDATER97, Loughborough: Loughborough University, pp217-222

Courses (Taught or Currently Teaching)

ID719 Current Issues in Industrial Design
ID236 Manufacturing Materials
ID401 Industrial Design V
ID402 Graduation Project
ID535 Design For Interaction
ID536 Materials Experience


PhD Industrial Design (1999), Loughborough University, United Kingdom – “Industrial Designers’ Attention to Materials and Manufacturing Processes: Analyses at Macroscopic and Microscopic Levels” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr Eddie Norman; Director of Research: Prof. Dr Phil Roberts)

BSc Industrial Design & Technology (1995), Loughborough University, United Kingdom (First Class Honours)

Last Updated:
10/11/2024 - 22:29