A seminar by Mehmet Emin Okutan: Entrepreneurship in Design
As a part of ID480 Design Management course, Mehmet Emin Okutan will give a seminar titled "Entrepreneurship in Design". The seminar will happen at Kubbealtı at the Faculty of Architecture on 10th May 2023, Wednesday, between 15.00-16.00. We invite everyone interested to join us. For those who want to attend via Zoom, please send a message to sumeyyes@metu.edu.tr.
Mehmet Emin Okutan has completed his undergraduate degree in Management with a concentration in Marketing from University of Maine and MBA from Bilkent University in Ankara Turkey. He is the cofounder of Viveka Incubation Center: the first private incubation center dedicated to cultivation of technology based startups since 2010. He has a high track record of mentorship through programs initiated with TÜBİTAK with universities ODTÜ, Gazi, Bilkent, TOBB ETU, Anadolu University, Ege University and Düzce University. In addition to university programs he also participated in GCIP Cleantech and Biotechnology Acceletor Program with TEPAV first of its kind.
Through Viveka Emin has accomplished to run several international programmes : Women Entrepreneurship Pre-Accelerator Program in Medinah, Saudia Arabia. He also mentored Sub Saharan startups with the business plan competition of Islamic Development Bank. In the fall of 2016 Emin Okutan has a completed a research project with Cyberpark called “Doping” to identify issues of commercialisation of early stage companies and coached them for investor meetup. Emin is one of the facilitators in Founder Institute targeting global minded startups. Currently he is running EIT KIC ClimAccelerator East Mediterrenean programme supporting startup and industry collaboration.