Summer Practices

Last Updated:
21/05/2024 - 10:24


ID390 Summer Internship Form

Summer Internship Insurance Form_Who receive health services

Summer Internship Insurance Form_Who do not receive health services

ID390 Summer Internship Evaluation Form

ID390 Production Internship Report Format


A) Internship period: Four weeks (20 working days).

B) Internship Location: Production internships can be done at production facilities approved by the department internship coordinator at home or abroad. When applying for internships, students are recommended to focus on production companies where multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary teamwork is carried out.

If they wish, students can fulfill their internship obligations in two different production facilities.

C) Internship Duration, Start and End Dates: Production Internship is held during the holiday period between the end of the Spring Semester final exams and the beginning of the Fall Semester classes.

It is acceptable for students who have completed their 7th semester but have not yet fulfilled their internship obligation to do their internship during the holiday period between the Fall and Spring Semesters, with the approval of the Department Head.

The start and end dates of internships are determined jointly by the student and the institution/organization where the internship takes place, and public holidays are not included when calculating the internship period. If Saturdays are also working days at the internship site, this must be stated on the Internship Form. Internship start and end dates must be working days.

If the internships are carried out in two different workplaces, a gap of at least one working day must be left between the end day of the first part internship and the start day of the second part internship in order to complete the insurance entry-exit procedures.

D) Scope: Students passing from the second year to the third year and the students in the upper class who have not fulfilled these internship obligations.

E) Aim: Production Internship aims to enable students to gain experience and knowledge by observing all production and assembly processes, starting from the entry of raw materials / semi-finished products, in production facilities where products within the scope of industrial design are produced.

F) Process:

  1. The students will determine their internship place(s) and inform the internship coordinator. When the internship place proposal is deemed appropriate, the ID390 Summer Internship Form is filled by the student, approved by the internship company and delivered to the internship coordinator. If it is not found suitable by the coordinator, a new internship place will be determined with the same method. (Related forms can be found at

  2. The student fills in the Summer Internship Insurance Form at the latest 15 days before the internship start date and submits it to the Faculty Student Affairs Office. The Insurance Form of students whose Summer Internship Form has not been approved will not be received and insurance will not be processed. After the delivery of this document, the place and dates of the internship are notified to the relevant unit of the Rectorate, and the student's insurance procedures are started. The student must check the employment declaration via e-government on the start day of the internship.

  3. Within the scope of the internship, students should reflect the observed production processes to their reports in detail and get the approval of the relevant institution. For this reason, it is expected to be in contact with the authorities in the internship places, to take critiques and to reflect the received opinions and suggestions to the report. Within this context, the students are advised to focus on the following subjects during their internship.

    1. Brief description of the organization,

    2. Raw material – semi-finished product storage,

    3. Production organization,

    4. Production and assembly lines,

    5. Finished goods storage and similar issues,

    6. Duties and responsibilities taken during the internship process,

    7. Observations about the reflections of design processes on the production process.

  4. Students cannot take leave during the internship period. If a medical certificate is received due to health problems, the student must report the medical certificate to the Internship Coordinator as well as to the institution where the internship is performed, and must continue the internship on the first working day after the last day of the report and complete the required period. Report time is not included in the internship period.

  5. The evaluation of the student who completes the internship is made by filling out the ID390 Summer Internship Evaluation Form by the institution official responsible for him/her during the internship, and the evaluation form is delivered to the Internship Coordinator in hard copy or digital form.

If the original copy of the evaluation form with wet signature is to be delivered, it must be delivered in a sealed envelope to the Internship Coordinator by mail or by hand through the student.

If the evaluation form will be delivered digitally via e-mail, after the form is signed, it must be sent in PDF format from an official email account belonging to the company / organization where the internship is done.

If the evaluation form is sent by post or e-mail, students are advised to check whether the form has reached the Internship Coordinator.

  1. Students prepare their internship reports according to the ID390 Internship Report Format and submit them digitally in pdf format via ODTUClass at the beginning of the semester following the internship (until the end of the add-drop period).

The internship report format can be accessed from the internship section of the department website. (Relevant forms can be accessed at

  1. During the evaluation, internships that cannot be determined when and where they are done and for which Insured Employment Notice are not filled are not taken into consideration. 

  2. In the evaluation made by the internship committee, if the internship report does not contain information that meets the headings in the Internship Report Format, students are asked to revise their reports or to give seminars on their internships on the days to be announced. If the student does not make the requested revisions or does not attend the seminar, the report will not be evaluated.

  3. The students whose reports are not evaluated and whose studies are not found sufficient have to repeat their internship. In this case, it is not necessary to do the internship at the same institution.