Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Yekta Bakırlıoğlu
Yekta Bakırlıoğlu, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Endüstriyel Tasarım Bölümü'nde Yardımcı Doçent ve Seri Üretilmiş Açık Tasarımlar Yoluyla Dağıtılmış Üretim (DF-MOD) başlıklı projesiyle TÜBİTAK CoCirculation2 (MSCA-CoFund) üyesidir. Bundan önce, Pop-Machina H2020 R&I projesi kapsamında Koç Üniversitesi Medya ve Görsel Sanatlar Bölümü'nde araştırmacı ve İrlanda'daki Limerick Üniversitesi'nde Döngüsel Tasarım (L4IDS) Erasmus + KA projesinin bir parçası olarak doktora sonrası araştırmacıydı. Doktorasını 2017 yılında ODTÜ Endüstriyel Tasarım anabilim dalında tamamladı ve 2016 yılında Finlandiya'da Aalto Üniversitesi, ARTS fakültesindeki NODUS Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Araştırma Grubu'nda misafir araştırmacı olarak bulundu. Araştırma ilgi alanları arasında açık tasarım, dağıtılmış değer yaratma ağları, sürdürülebilirlik için tasarım ve tasarım odaklı iş modelleri bulunmaktadır.
For detailed and up-to-date information on Yekta Bakırlıoğlu, please visit the below pages:
Personal website: Detailed Information on past experience, recent updates, research projects, contributed modules and events, design portfolio
Google Scholar Profile: Automatically updated list of publications and co-authors
ResearchGate Profile: Publications, some publically accessible
Here is a list of publications, as of the 1st of December, 2020.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Bakırlıoğlu, Y. & McMahon, M. (2021). Co-learning for Sustainable Design: The Case of a Circular Design Collaborative Project in Ireland. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123474. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123474. Available here.
Karahanoğlu, A. & Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2020). Evaluation of the Usefulness of Path of Long-Term User Experience Model in Design Process. Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2020.1836256. Available [Open-access] here.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y. & Doğan, Ç. (2020). Exploring Product/Part Longevity in Open Design of Small Kitchen Appliances. The Design Journal, 23 (6), 885-905. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2020.1826635. Available here.
Doğan, Ç. & Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2020). Bakım, Onarım ve Yükseltmeyi Destekleyen ve Kullanıcı Katılımını Güçlendiren Sürdürülebilirlik için Tasarım Yaklaşımları [Design Approaches for Sustainability that Support Maintenance, Repair and Upgrading and Strengthen User Participation] (in Turkish). Tasarım + Kuram [Journal of Design + Theory], 16(30), 96-108. DOI: 10.14744/tasarimkuram.2020.42204. Available [Open-access] here.
Bakırlıoglu, Y. & Kohtala, C. (2019). Framing Open Design through Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications: A Systematic Literature Review. Human-Computer Interaction, 34 (5-6), 389-432. DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2019.1574225. Available [Open-access] here.
Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S., Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2016). Evolving Paths: Undergraduate Design Education through Graduate and Generative Research with Particular Focus on Sustainability. The Design Journal, 19 (4), 587-606. Available here.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Oğur, D., Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S. (2016). An Initial Model for Generative Design Research: Bringing Together Generative Focus Group (GFG) and Experience Reflection Modelling (ERM). Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 21 (1), 40-50. Available [Open-access] here.
Magazine Articles
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Ramírez Galleguillos, M.L. & Coşkun, A. (2020). Dreaming of immersive interactions to navigate forced distributed collaboration during Covid-19. ACM Interactions 27 (5), 20–21. DOI: 10.1145/3414462 Available here. Open-access here
Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2013). Bilinçliyim, Ekolojik Tüketiyorum [I am Conscious, I Consume Ecologic] (in Turkish). Arredamento Mimarlık, Issue 272. pp: 114-116.
Book Chapters
In Doğan, Ç. [Ed.] (2019). Elektrikli Ev Aletleri İçin Sürdürülebilir Tasarim Ölçütleri: Bakım, Onarım ve Kaynakların Verimli Kullanımı. [Sustainable Design Considerations for Electrical Home Appliances: Maintenance, Repair and Effective Use of Resources] (in Turkish). Ankara: ODTUmf. Can be purchased from ODTÜDEN.
Doğan, Ç., Bakırlıoğlu, Y. & Turhan, S. (2019). Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Yaklaşımları [Sustainable Design Approaches] (in Turkish). pp. 5 – 12
Turhan, S., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç. & Oğur, D. (2019). Görüşmeler ve Katılımcı Tasarım Yöntemleri [Interviews and Generative Design Methods] (in Turkish). pp. 13 – 60
Oğur, D., Turhan, S., Bakırlıoğlu, Y. & Doğan, Ç. (2019). Görüşme ve Yaratıcı Odak Grubu (YOG) Çalışması Sonuçları ve Çıkarımları [Outcomes and Analysis of Interviews and Generative Focus Group Sessions] (in Turkish). pp. 61 – 104.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç. & Oğur, D. (2019) Elektrikli Ev Aletleri İçin Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Ölçütleri [Sustainable Design Considerations for Electrical Home Appliances] (in Turkish). pp. 105 – 142.
Conference Proceedings
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Ramirez Galleguillos, M. L., Bensason, I., Yantaç, A. E. & Coşkun, A. (2021). Connecting the Dots: Understanding Professional Development Needs of Istanbul’s Makers for Circular Economy. 10th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD2020/21), Cork, Ireland, June 13-16, 2021. [Delayed to 2021 due to pandemic measures].
Segalas, J., De Eyto, A., McMahon, M., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Joore, P., Jimenez, A., Tejedor, G., et al. (2020). Learning resources for sustainable design in engineering education. SEFI 2020: 48th Annual Conference “Engaging engineering education”: Enschede, The Netherlands: September 20-24, 2020, pp. 1120–1127.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., McMahon, M. & de Eyto, A. (2019). Developing a Database of Circular Design Online Educational Resources. ERSCP 2019 Barcelona: Circular Europe for Sustainability Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Özkan, N., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Çelik, S., Segalàs, J. & Ulan, A. (2019). Picking and Choosing; Selection and Framing of Briefs for Circular Design Students Projects. ERSCP 2019 Barcelona: Circular Europe for Sustainability Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Segalàs, J, de Eyto, A., McMahon, M., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Tejedor, G., Lazzarini, B., Celik, S., Jiménez, A. Martins, J. (2019). Circular Design Project. Circular Economy Education for the Design Community. ERSCP 2019 Barcelona: Circular Europe for Sustainability Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
McMahon, M. & Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2019). Asking the industry partners: Reflecting on the value of internships for Circular Design. DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
Karahanoğlu, A., Oude Alink, C. & Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2019). Quantifying Design for User Experience Assignments: Using Rubrics as Assessment Tools. DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., McMahon, M., DeEyto, A. & Rio, M. (2018). Training the Next Generation of Designers for a Sustainable Future: Action Research on the Circular Design Internship. Design Research Society 2018: Catalyst Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
Karahanoglu, A., & Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2017). Design for the Next: Integration of Path to Sustained Usage Model into Design Process. In M. B. Alonso, & E. Ozcan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement – Sense and Sensitivity, DeSForM 2017, 297-307.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., (2016). Açık Tasarım için Tasarım yoluyla Araşırma: Mufak Pratikleri üzerine Bir Çalıştay. [Research through Designing for Open Design: A Workshop on Kitchen Practices]. (in Turkish) UTAK 2016 Proceedings: Responsibility, Context, Experience and Design; September 21-23, 2016. Middle East Technical University, 189-204.
Oğur, D., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S. (2015). Towards Sustainable Use and Post-Use: Design Considerations for Small Household Appliances. Sustainable Innovation 15, State of the Art, Sustainable Innovation and Design, Towards Sustainable Product Design: 20th International Conference, 9-10 November, Center for the Creative Arts, Epsom, Surrey, UK, 172-185.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Oğur, D., Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S. (2015). An Initial Model for Generative Design Research: Bringing Together Generative Focus Group (GFG) and Experience Reflection Modelling (ERM). LearnxDesign: The 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers and PreK-16 Design Educators, 28-10 June 2015, Chicago, USA.
Özgen Koçyıldırım, D., Coşkun, A., Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2015). Time-Based Visual Narratives for Design Education. LearnxDesign: The 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers and PreK-16 Design Educators, 28-10 June 2015, Chicago, USA.
Oğur, D., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S. (2015). Gaining people’s insights and experiences: developing sustainable design considerations for small household appliances. Proceedings of Unmaking Waste 2015 Conference, 21-24 May 2015, Adelaide, Australia, 284-295.
Yetiş, E. Ö., Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2015). Heterotopia and Participatory Design: The Case of Occupying On-Campus Starbucks. 4T 2015: Design in Times of Turmoil: Displacement, Replacement, Emplacement Conference, 14- 15 May 2015, İzmir, Turkey.
Boğazpınar, H., Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Kuru, A., Erbuğ, Ç. (2014). Path to Sustained Usage: A Model for Long-Term Experience in Technological Products. 9th Design and Emotion 2014 Proceedings: The Colors of Care, 6-10 October, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 667-679.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S. (2014). Elektrikli Ev Aletleri Sektöründe Sürdürülebilirlik İçin Tasarım: Kaynakların Verimli Kullanımı ve Ürün Bakımı ve Onarımı Konularında Tasarımcı ve Üretici Yaklaşımlarının ve Farkındalığının Anlaşılması. [Design for Sustainability in Electrical Household Appliances: Understanding Approaches and Awareness of Designers and Manufacturers on Effective Use of Resources, Product Maintenance and Repair.] (in Turkish) UTAK 2014 Proceedings: Education, Research, Profession and Social Responsibility; September 10-12, 2014. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 133-146.
Özgen Koçyıldırım, D., Coşkun, A., Bakırlıoğlu, Y. (2014). Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Eğitiminde Zaman Temelli Görsel Anlatımın Algısal Etkileri. [Perceptual Effects of Time-based Visual Narrative in Industrial Design Education]. (in Turkish) UTAK 2014 Proceedings: Education, Research, Profession and Social Responsibility; September 10-12, 2014. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 301-312.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç., Turhan, S. (2013). Evolving Sustainable Product Design Considerations for Electrical Household Products. Towards Sustainable Product Design- 18th International Conference Proceedings, Sustainable Innovation; Collaboration, Co-creation & New Business Models, 4-5 November, University for the Creative Arts, Epsom, UK, 17-25.
Bakırlıoğlu, Y., Doğan, Ç. (2012). Biomimicry Sketch Analysis: A Generative Tool for Sustainability in Product Design Education. Sustainable Innovation 2012, Resource Efficiency, Innovation and Lifestyles Conference Proceedings, 29-30 October, Bonn, Germany, 6-15. Best Paper Award.